Whether you have the Monday blues or have been having difficulty for a longer period of time, your mental and emotional health are essential to your overall well-being. Whether seeking counseling or finding a means to increase your growth and resilience, it’s good to know that help is available in many forms.


  • Stay healthy by getting adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise. Take proactive steps to take care of yourself.
  • Adopt a growth mindset to make you more resilient.
  • Monitor your self-talk and stay positive.
  • Review these tips about Health and Well-Being

Counseling and Mental Health Services

Services are available on all University of Minnesota campuses for students experiencing stress, anxiety, or other issues:

The Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing

The Bakken Center offers numerous resources and classes related to wellness, stress reduction, and other issues. Many of the classes are offered at no charge.

More Resources