Melinda Wilkins, DVM, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Minnesota

This course will provide the student with a basic understanding of systems, systems thinking, and how to use a systems thinking mindset and tools to support problem solving in a One Health context. Students will learn how to engage stakeholders, recognize systems, clearly define complex problems, and visualize/diagram systems. In addition, students will practice identifying leverage points within a system and anticipate intended and unintended consequences to changes within a system. Tools and examples will be used to explain each step and students will have a chance to practice using several common systems thinking tools before student teams apply these tools to address a more complex One Health problem.

This non-credit course meets with the academic course PubH 7200-103 as part of the 2024 Public Health Institute.

Enrollment for this course will open on February 22, 2024.

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