*This Public Health Institute course will be online via Zoom and Canvas and will not be meeting in-person.

Nancy Carlson, MPhil
Disaster Behavioral Health Program Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Health
St. Paul, Minnesota

Disaster events leave a short term and perhaps a long term footprint that has not been recognized by many disciplines involved in response and recovery.  In this course we will focus on developing a rich understanding of the psychological impact of disaster events of all types impact the individual, teams, organizations and communities.  First we will work to develop an understanding of how disaster impact an then use a “Push Pull” service intervention model in how to work with all levels of a disaster.  We will use not only presentation and discussion but also case studies and scenario based training. The course will be divided into four sections that look disaster dynamics from a behavioral health perspective, initial response strategies and issues, short term recovery interventions and long term challenges.

This non-credit course meets with the academic course PubH 7223-101 as part of the 2024 Public Health Institute.

Enrollment for this course will open on February 22, 2024.

For more information: z.umn.edu/PHI